Be informed. Be up-to-date. Subscribe to the PT0S NEWS mailing list.
We have launched an e-mail service for those who want to get updates about the PT0S DXpedition right into their mailbox. Those subscribing to this FREE service, will receive updates whenever the website is updated or when there is any new information related to the expedition.
The list is open for anyone to join or leave, but is moderated. Therefore posting to the list needs approval from the mailing list moderators. This is to limit the number of messages you get from the list, and to ensure that the information posted is as accurate as possible.
How can I subscribe?
To subscribe to this mailing list, you only need to send an e-mail to
The body of your e-mail has to contain the command "subscribe news".
Shortly afterwards (usually within a minute), you will receive a welcome message to your e-mail address.
How can I stop receiving messages?
To unsubscribe from this mailing list, you only need to send an e-mail to
The body of your e-mail has to contain the command "unsubscribe news".
Shortly afterwards (usually within a minute), you will receive a confirmation from the system to your e-mail address and you will not receive any further email messages from the system.
The PT0S RSS channel is available to those who want to follow updates to the website and have installed an RSS reader. Some web browsers, like Mozilla Firefox natively support RSS.
The RSS-feed is available at We suggest that you should add this link to your RSS bookmarks.